BRAF B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase
Gene info
Previous symbol
External ID
HGNC: 1097
Entrez Gene: 673
Ensembl: ENSG00000157764
UCSC: uc003vwc.5
Disease info
- Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome (AD)
- LEOPARD syndrome 3 (AD)
- Noonan syndrome 7 (AD)
CHD Phenotype
- Atrial septal defect
- Bicuspid aortic valve
- Pulmonic stenosis
Extra Cardiac Phenotype
Incomplete penetrance
Variable expressivity
Animal model
Mouse study
MGI: Homozygous knockout mouse has CHD
Variant info
Selected variant
The Clinvar variants presented in the below IGV track were selected based on the following criteria.
- Variant types are single nucleotide variant or Indel
- Clinical significance for the variant was assessed to be Pathogenic or Likely Pathogenic
- ClinVar review status for the variant is criteria provided
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Selected References
- Ezquieta, B., Santomé, J. L., Carcavilla, A., Guillén-Navarro, E., Pérez-Aytés, A., Sánchez del Pozo, J., GarcÃa-Miñaur, S., Castillo, E., Alonso, M., Vendrell, T., Santana, A., Maroto, E., & Galbis, L. (2012). Alteraciones de los genes de la vÃa RAS-MAPK en 200 pacientes españoles con sÃndrome de Noonan y otros sÃndromes neurocardiofaciocutáneos. Genotipo y cardiopatÃa. Revista Española de CardiologÃa, 65(5), 447–455. DOI:10.1016/j.recesp.2011.12.016 PMID:22465605
- ÅžimÅŸekâ€Kiper, P., Alanay, Y., Gülhan, B., Lissewski, C., Türkyılmaz, D., Alehan, D., Çetin, M., Utine, G., Zenker, M., & BoduroÄŸlu, K. (2012). Clinical and molecular analysis of RASopathies in a group of Turkish patients. Clinical Genetics, 83(2), 181–186. Portico. DOI:10.1111/j.1399-0004.2012.01875.x PMID:22420426
- Narumi, Y., Aoki, Y., Niihori, T., Neri, G., Cavé, H., Verloes, A., Nava, C., Kavamura, M. I., Okamoto, N., Kurosawa, K., Hennekam, R. C. M., Wilson, L. C., Gillessenâ€Kaesbach, G., Wieczorek, D., Lapunzina, P., Ohashi, H., Makita, Y., Kondo, I., Tsuchiya, S., … Matsubara, Y. (2007). Molecular and clinical characterization of cardioâ€facioâ€cutaneous (CFC) syndrome: Overlapping clinical manifestations with Costello syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 143A(8), 799–807. Portico. DOI:10.1002/ajmg.a.31658 PMID:17366577
- Niihori, T., Aoki, Y., Narumi, Y., Neri, G., Cavé, H., Verloes, A., Okamoto, N., Hennekam, R. C. M., Gillessen-Kaesbach, G., Wieczorek, D., Kavamura, M. I., Kurosawa, K., Ohashi, H., Wilson, L., Heron, D., Bonneau, D., Corona, G., Kaname, T., Naritomi, K., … Matsubara, Y. (2006). Germline KRAS and BRAF mutations in cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome. Nature Genetics, 38(3), 294–296. DOI:10.1038/ng1749 PMID:16474404
- Rodriguez-Viciana, P., Tetsu, O., Tidyman, W. E., Estep, A. L., Conger, B. A., Cruz, M. S., McCormick, F., & Rauen, K. A. (2006). Germline Mutations in Genes Within the MAPK Pathway Cause Cardio-facio-cutaneous Syndrome. Science, 311(5765), 1287–1290. DOI:10.1126/science.1124642 PMID:16439621