KYNU kynureninase
Gene info
Previous symbol
External ID
HGNC: 6469
Entrez Gene: 8942
Ensembl: ENSG00000115919
UCSC: uc002tvl.4
Disease info
CHD Phenotype
- Atrial septal defect
- Ventricular septal defect
- Patent ductus arteriosus
- Tetralogy of fallot
- Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
- Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery
- Mitral stenosis
- Abnormal fusion of right posterior semicircular canal
- Pulmonary vein stenosis
- Aortic hypoplasia
- Dilatation of the pulmonary trunk
- Ductus arteriosus
Extra Cardiac Phenotype
Facial dysmorphism, Neurodevelopmental delay, Failure to thrive, Renal defects, Vertebral defects, digit and limb defects
Incomplete penetrance
Variable expressivity
Animal model
Mouse study
MGI: Homozygous knockout mouse has CHD
Variant info
Selected variant
The Clinvar variants presented in the below IGV track were selected based on the following criteria.
- Variant types are single nucleotide variant or Indel
- Clinical significance for the variant was assessed to be Pathogenic or Likely Pathogenic
- ClinVar review status for the variant is criteria provided
Download annotation file for KYNU: BED file
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Selected References
- Ehmke, N., Cusmano-Ozog, K., Koenig, R., Holtgrewe, M., Nur, B., Mihci, E., Babcock, H., Gonzaga-Jauregui, C., Overton, J. D., Xiao, J., Martinez, A. F., Muenke, M., Balzer, A., Jochim, J., El Choubassi, N., Fischer-Zirnsak, B., Huber, C., Kornak, U., Elsea, S. H., … Ferreira, C. R. (2020). Biallelic variants in KYNU cause a multisystemic syndrome with hand hyperphalangism. Bone, 133, 115219. DOI:10.1016/j.bone.2019.115219 PMID:31923704
- Shi, H., Enriquez, A., Rapadas, M., Martin, E. M. M. A., Wang, R., Moreau, J., Lim, C. K., Szot, J. O., Ip, E., Hughes, J. N., Sugimoto, K., Humphreys, D. T., McInerney-Leo, A. M., Leo, P. J., Maghzal, G. J., Halliday, J., Smith, J., Colley, A., Mark, P. R., … Dunwoodie, S. L. (2017). NAD Deficiency, Congenital Malformations, and Niacin Supplementation. New England Journal of Medicine, 377(6), 544–552. DOI:10.1056/NEJMoa1616361 PMID:28792876
- Szot, J. O., Slavotinek, A., Chong, K., Brandau, O., Nezarati, M., Cueto‐González, A. M., Patel, M. S., Devine, W. P., Rego, S., Acyinena, A. P., Shannon, P., Myles‐Reid, D., Blaser, S., Mieghem, T. V., Yavuz‐Kienle, H., Skladny, H., Miller, K., Riera, M. D. T., Martínez, S. A., … Dunwoodie, S. L. (2021). New cases that expand the genotypic and phenotypic spectrum of Congenital NAD Deficiency Disorder. Human Mutation, 42(7), 862–876. Portico. DOI:10.1002/humu.24211 PMID:33942433